يوم سياه

صور بلوشستان 2010

The History of Baloch Nation and Balochistan Mekran

The Balochs are the most ancient Semitic people on earth. They are the descendents of Belus son of Nemrod son of Kanan son of Kosh son of Sam son of Noah peace be upon him. It is also known historically that the first civilization initiated after the flood of noah, was the Arartu civilization in the slopes of mount Ararat near the Caspian Sea in Armenia, on which Noah's Ark peace be upon him. Stopped. Immediately after Noah peace be up on him died, his three sons (Sam, Ham and Japheth) immigrated with their children from Ararat to Babylon and then dispersed with each family in different parts of the Earth. It is known that Sam died in Hadramout, named so on the occasion of his death. His son FARik settled in the land of makoran, which was named after his son's name, Mekran son of Farik son of Sam son of Noah peace be upon him. After hundreds of years Sam's grandchildren's became the lords of the Sumerian civilization (3500 -1792 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 3500 -1792 end_of_the_skype_highlighting bc) which was one of the greatest civilizations on earth, which spread from the borders of Iraq to the Himalayas. The most famous king of this civilization was king Belous son of Koosh, also called Bill Mardok stated in the Torah in the name of Balshaan.

King Beluos considered the forefather for the Baloch nation whose name was given the Balochs. After Belous death and the fall of Babylon the headquarters of the city government in the hands of the Persian king Darius, King Blaida, the son of King Belous fled with his entourage and followers to the Mekran high mountains and hills, which is their birthplace and got there in their strong forts between Mekran majestic hills and stopped the strikes of the Persians and other invaders across the centuries, including the armies of Alexander the Great, which destroyed the first Persian Empire,

But they failed to invade Mekran, therefore they went to a different route towards Kabul and Sindh river until they arrived in India. The strong forts and castles of the Balochs continued to stop the strikes of the occupiers until the arrival of the Islamic armies in the era of the Caliph, Omar Bin Al Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him. They were unable to conquer Mekran, but they came to an agreement and convention to allow the Arab merchants to enter there. Then, as a result most Balochs embraced ISLAM and Mekran merged after 100 years in the Islamic Caliphate. It is known that Balochs were following the religion of Abraham, peace be upon him, before Islam.

The Balochi system of governance was of a traditional type derived from their heritage a Tribal monarchy system. Tribes' heads were under the Castle Lord which is the title of the king there. Balochs had two different councils for governance, the princes of the king and private leaders Council and the ordinary public Council. They are inheriting this rule since the days Beluos the Great. Even after the Islamic rule they continued the same traditional system of government. We should not forget the civilization of the Balochs of Herms (1622- 1300 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1622- 1300 end_of_the_skype_highlighting AD), which was one of the golden eras in the history of the Balushis after Islam, which extended from Bahrain and Kandahar, to the Sultanate of Delhi in India. The coastal cities of Oman were under the Balushi governments (Qalat, now Qalhat and mashkat, now Muscat). Whenever an empire expanded it gets weaker in controlling its lands. The Persian were the great enemies of the Baloch Empire. They were taking every chance to attack, as hyenas attack the wandering lions.

One of the greatest crises Baloch nation faced was the bloody war that lasted for thirty years between the Rind ruling tribe and the Lashar rebellious tribe and the rest of the tribes were divided between the king Chaker of Rind and Mir Gwahram the leader of the Lashar tribe. During this bloody war Baloch nation lost many lands, and hundreds of thousands of people and their large cities and villages, palaces and forts were destroyed. Historians described those wars that they were destructive enough to potentially annihilate Baloch ethnicity from the face of the earth. How ever King Chakar managed to defeat Mir Gwahram and put an end to the bloody war after they lost a lot. King Chakar is considered one of the greatest Baloch kings after King Belous. He is also considered a national hero because he saved Baloch Nation descendants from extinction as a result the war, which was plotted by the Persians to make the Balochs fight themselves in order to destroy their entity and unity. This continued until the arrival of the Portuguese occupation in the sixteenth century, which ended after it left mass destruction behind it in Hormuz. This was caused as a result of the British alliance with the Persians against Hormuz, which was under the Portuguese occupation in 1622.

After several decades the Hoot tribe inherited reins of governance and sovereignty of the Castle. Hoot tribe is one of the most powerful Balochi tribes and one of its most famous kings was King Hamal Al Hooti who defeated the Portuguese occupation in the region. The Portuguese gave up and failed to occupy Baluchistan, then they managed to even poison him and he died in a ship when he was on a special diplomatic trip to the governors of Oman. After the demise of the Hooti tribe's rule in Mekran and after its collapse of its government and the extinction of the tribe, another Balochi tribe emerged. It was Al Belidai tribe that dated back to King Blaida son of Belous the Great in Mekran.

The Belaida, inherited from Hooti tribe the Crown and power. Among their most famous kings was Belaida was Mir Ba Saidhan. They had nine Sultans, Sultan Qassim the second was the last king. The Emir Sheikh Balar Belaidai was the lord of Gawader. Gijki, another Balochi tribe had revolted with help of zikri religious group and britishers against the Belaidai Sultans and put an end to their rule and ruled Mekran.

After The Gijki Tribe got weakened as a result of the strikes of The Persians and Britishs, Ahmed Zahi Tribe took the reins and their rule lasted nearly two centuries until Britain was able to control the Eastern Baluchistan in 1839 in the era of Shah Reza Khan Bahlavi The Persian Ruler and they captured Prince Mohamed Han Barkzai, the Governor Balochistan West who ruled from 1920 - 1928 and was executed after that. The British occupation continued in Balochistan East for 108 years until the Baluchistan lost 7 million from the lives of their sons, King Mir Mihrab son of Mahmoud AhmedZahi who ruled from 1928 – 1939 was one of them. After decades of bloody resistance Britain declared independence of Baluchistan officially in 1947 in August 11. Mir Ahamdyar Ahmadzahi became a king of the Baluchistan east and its capital Kalat. But after years of the independence declaration, Britain supported the Punjabi Pakistani with severe cruelty, they occupied Balochistan in 1948 and killed thousand of people and captured, the King and put him in jail for 20 years and then he died in prison. Golden Gawader fell and became under Pakistani aggressors 1958 in the month of Rajab 4 Baloch Nation became orphan, Nation without a homeland and Nation bonded in their homeland. The Baloch Nation must rise and demand their land, gather and maintain their ethnicity. Allah loveth not aggressors.

Writtin by: Said Han Balochistani

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