يوم سياه

صور بلوشستان 2010

Yes I'm Baloch! Kil me & cal it "A Mistake" Imprison us & cal it "Security Measure" Exile our people in masses & cal it "Progress" Rob my resources,invade my land,Alter my leadership & call it "Development" But stil I'm Baloch & wil remain Baloch 4ev

I am a Baloch

Kill Me and call it "A Mistake"

This is the true face of Pakistan army. If this old man is guilty of any crime he should be presented to court and given punishment as per his crime. In Pakistan army is the judge, jury, and executioner

تاريخ بلوشستان المختصر

Shaheed Abid Rasool Baksh Baloch, a student and member of Parom Unit of Panjgor Zone Baloch Students Organization (Azaad), has been tortured to death by Pakistan.

"4 years old baloch kid, killed by Pakistani terrorist army, shame on entired civilised world, where they cry for animal rights, while we being as human ignored by them. Down with Pokistan"